The End (for now)

The last issue of First of the Month was May 1, 2021. I love this project with my whole heart but am going on hiatus to focus on some other writing projects. You can still sign up (subscriptions are off at this time) for updates on my writing + teaching + photos of cats.

What’s this?

In 2015, I started First of the Month, one new essay every month on the topic of time, youth, spiritual growth and the mistakes we make. These tiny essays are a thoughtful way to start each month, to be your cheerleader, your meditation, your nudge towards nostalgia for something that’s no longer there.

I love little essays

Hooray! Me too! Readers who sign up will receive each First of the Month essay, delivered right to their inbox. I may add benefits for subscribers in the future (book reviews, illustrated essays, zines) but for now we’ll keep it simple.

Subscribe to First of the Month by Courtney Gillette

One short essay, the first of every month.